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Browsing Posts in Canal and River Trust Formation

Canal Consultation Document Header 20110403

  The consultation by DEFRA on moving inland waterways into the third sector, ie a new charity, in England and Wales started today 30 March and ends on 30 June 2011. To take part in this ….

Renaming British Waterways

The image on the left combines all the words in the suggestions for renaming BW put forward by BW for people to vote on through the website. To find out more about this renaming visit Waterscape News.

Environment Agency Banner

At last, the Government has made up its mind and announced that the Environment Agency’s watereways will be transferred to the control of the new BW charity organisation.This means that, amongst others,  the Thames, Medway, Great Ouse, and Nene, and those in East Anglia  will be under the same control as the canals, the Trent […]

BW Third Sector

Find out what’s going on in BW’s plans to move to Third Sector charity status. There’s been a dearth of news on this extremely important restructuring in the magazines. Now on YouTube you can find out about how the new structure will work, how it will be funded, the problems it faces and the trialling […]